Monday, July 14, 2008

Longing for Rain

Hot and Humid….this is how the Mediterranean climate is classified, with long hours of scorching sun and a sticky skin feeling. A grey cloud is nowhere to be seen…and moreover a drop of rain is only something to long for!

I wonder how people managed to live on our island some 100 years ago without Air Conditioners, Fans etc. Ah well, maybe they had a cooler summer!...Is all this heat a result of Global Warming? … yeah that’s the buzz word at the moment… blame it on Global Warming…

People have been warned on the effects of air pollution for ages now. It is only lately that countries are putting in some real effort to take care of being more energy efficient… and for sure it’s not because of care for the environment but only because energy is coming at a really high price.

We got so addicted to “free” energy that we find it hard to live without now! It’s taken so for granted that we can control climate and lighting and travel to desired destinations whenever we please that it’s getting harder now that energy is no longer “free”.

Just look at the skies and try to see a star…Ok you’ll manage to see more than a dozen for sure but will surely miss a couple of other thousands… So much light pollution that I wonder how efficient we really are after all. We’re reflecting so much wasted energy back to space! Light is only a tiny bit compared to heat losses. Don’t want to go into the merits of engineering. There is so much that can be done…but yes… that costs money. And no one would like to spend more money than necessary to live a comfy life. Technically it’s not cost effective! There is a saying which says that “Nature is capable of taking care of itself”… I fear the worst… Extinction of the present human being… hehe might be a joke but worth giving it a couple of minutes thought!… and for our poor world… that would be a cost effective solution ;)

Anyway, back to our micro scale. Wish you all a productive week.

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